Miss Pollock assigned us the assignment of reflecting on our Slam poetry workshop. So here goes nothing.
A)What did you learn from Greg and Beth Ann? (at least 2 things)
I learnt that every peace of writing is poetry. Be it a novel, a article, everything is poetry in it's own way. I also learnt that It's easier to memorize a peace of poetry by using actions, I never really moved but just by watching Claire's performance I can tell she found it easier by acting some words out.
B)When writing your own poem, what did you use as inspiration? (at least 3 things)
I listened to music, it gave me ideas on interesting topics. Like Taylor swift, her music had the genre of romance, where as Rhianna sang about abuse with Eminem. Even just turning on the TV and watching the news can help. Or just past stories. All of them can help really.
C)What are you most proud of from your poem or your presentation of it? (at least one thing)
I'm really proud that I presented an issue that is happening in different parts of the world. Women are being beaten everyday because they may do something wrong, or they just get beaten for saying something. And i personally think that's a horrible thing to do.
D)How did you feel before you performed?
I felt really.. nervous. Just being the only one standing up and everyone looking up at me kind of freaked me out. I think it would've gone better if I did what Jack S. does and look off into the distance to keep in character or keep your concentration.
E)How did you feel AFTER you performed?
I felt very happy, but still a bit nervous from going up and then sitting down in the same second. It kind of gets scary. I can't imagine how Greg and Beth do it.
F)What would you change about your own poem or performance for next time? (at least 1 thing)
I think I'd make my poem more deep by using more metaphors and similes.
G)What did you learn/like about someone else's poem?
I really liked Melissa's performance. I said it before and I'll say it again, it's almost as if she goes from this quiet innocent girl into the most amazing girl that won't take anything from any one. It's just... AMAZING. She really should go into the youth slam.
Here is my poem.
One bruise, can tell a thousand stories.
When, why, how.
Yous ask but don't get an answer.
He screams, she screams.
She runs, he chases.
He hits, she cries.
All most paralized.
Hurt that he doesn't love her enough to stop.
Stop the cries, the hits, the screams.
Stop the nightmares.
Nothing can help.
No help.
just hate, no love nothing more.
Why doesn't she run.
She can't, he only chases her.
Who does she tell.
It's top secret, she can't even tell her own mother.
The mother that can help.
But, she doesn't say a word.
It's silent as they both cry.
And hurt.
Monday, 24 January 2011
Saturday, 15 January 2011
These are only some of the 73 books that my idol, Eric Walters has written.
I think the main idea of Safe as Houses is that no matter how young you are, you have to take care of others and know that its gonna be hard but you can pull through.
I think the main idea of sketches is, that You can run away from your home but it doesn't mean you'll forget all the things that you want to.
I think the main idea for wounded is, that you can't judge a book by it's cover, being how Marcus's father was trying to hide the fact that he didn't need help when he really did.
This story is about me but me when I'm 16 and just the life of someone who might be going through a rough time with their family when they have no money. It's not really me don't worry.
My story.
Me and Andy payed close attention to the police car that drived by us. Hoping that they wouldn't notice what we were doing from afar. Luckily the car drived by with out noticing the smoke coming from my hand. Being 16 and smoking had its ups and downs. Andy was 18 but looked 21 so it didn't matter.
" Whoa, that was close." I said, still keeping an eye on the car as it drove away.
"Yeah, maybe you should be more careful there kid." Andy said with a playful nudge. My cigarette dropped to the ground. It didn't bother me, I was gonna toss it on the ground in a second. Andy gave me a gorgeous smirk. I loved how his face was so perfect. Dark brown eyes, brown hair and tall. Not to mention built.
After a few hours of talking and holding hands, ( you know normal couple stuff. ) I told him I had to leave.
I didn't want to. I wanted to stay right where I was. In his arms my cheek to his shoulder, feeling him breath. knowing I was safe in his arms. I let go his hand coming down my arm and stopping at my hand, he pulled me close and kissed me on the cheek. Thankfully it was dark so he wouldn't see me blushing.
Once i got home my mom was on the phone screaming at someone. I couldn't help but listen in.
" Why would you say that to him!!!????!!..... you'll never get it now!..... we need the money!!!!!" Clearly she was talking to my father. He had been away trying to find a new job. He's been unemployed for a few months now and my mom didn't make much by being waitress. Once I heard enough screaming and finally got my shoes off I raced up stairs and into my room. I shut the door and sat on my bed. Not thinking about a thing, as if nothing was wrong when there really was something wrong. we had become poor and I was taking it all out by smoking, acting out and skipping school. I used to be a good kid. Listening to my parents, stayed in school and got straight B's, and I never had a smoke until my father had left. I lied down staring at my ceiling and started to think about how Andy had changed my life. He made all of the bad things in my life... disappear like it never even happened. I closed my eyes and started to doze off until I heard a knock on my window. I jolted up.
I slowly walked over to the window. I couldn't see a thing when it was dark out but I didn't care I wanted to see what kind of an idiot would be on my balcony and knocking at my window at 10:00 pm.
I open the window and stuck my head out to find my idiot boyfriend Andy.
" what the heck are you doing here?!" I said punching him. He laughed.
" I forgot to ask you before you left if you wanted to come to this party tomorrow. Do you wanna go?"
he said holding my hand as we leaned forward on my balcony. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do tomorrow.
without thinking I said yes.
" Good, I'll pick you up at 9:00 pm." he said with an irresistible smile. He kissed me and then shimmied down the fence onto the ground. He looked up at me one last time before he ran off.
Once i was back inside I started to pick out an outffit for the party. I imaged it would be the same people there like every time, Joe, Linda, Spencer and Katie will bring the beer. since they are the older ones with an ID. I picked out a mini skirt and a tank-top that said love. After that I got dressed for bed and dozed off. until i was awoken by my sister poking me. I looked at my clock, it was 2:56 am!!
Hope you liked it :)
Buddie and me
I am a smuggler.
I have no food.
No water.
Just hope.
We search for food everyday.
Me and my brother.
Forced to work.
Forced to find food.
At times all we have is hope.
Not even Bread or soup.
Just hope.
I have no food.
No water.
Just hope.
We search for food everyday.
Me and my brother.
Forced to work.
Forced to find food.
At times all we have is hope.
Not even Bread or soup.
Just hope.
1000 awesome things!!!
my favourite post from the 1000 awesome things, is neighbors with a pool. I also liked the one about, a Christmas tree being the only thing that lights up a room. I like those because I really do think that those are awesome!!
My awesome thing is....
# 645
When there is nothing to eat for breakfast what do you do?
well, I would pull out some left over noodles from last nights dinner and eat them up. You may think this is weird, but in fact it is awesome. I had to do this once. We had nothing that appealed to my taste buds so.... NOODLES IT WAS :)
My awesome thing is....
# 645
When there is nothing to eat for breakfast what do you do?
well, I would pull out some left over noodles from last nights dinner and eat them up. You may think this is weird, but in fact it is awesome. I had to do this once. We had nothing that appealed to my taste buds so.... NOODLES IT WAS :)

Bullying poem.
Pack leader
To the teacher, she looks innocent.
To her friends, the best thing that can
happen to them.
To me, you ask?
Well, she stalks me like a wolf hunting its prey.
Always feeding off my despair.
Her gossiping like a howl after me.
Under her glossy lips, teeth as sharp as knives.
Her bark worse then her bite.
Day by day she taunts me.
My hair is weird, my eyes, my lips, my body, my life!
Anything she can talk about has to be bad.
Home, she’s still there. Haunting. Memories in full bloom.
She’s not there but somehow, she is.
Her voice stuck in my head.
No matter where I am she’s there, right behind me.
I don’t know how to stop it.
She’s turned everyone against me.
I have no one.
I don’t know what it will lead to.
Scared for the next day.
Scared for the names, the offal laughs and rumours all about me.
And so the pack leader eats away at my shame.
Until there’s nothing left except my corps left on the ground.
I’m gone now.
I’ve made her remind herself each and every day she did this to me.
I’m gone.
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