Tuesday 30 November 2010

GLEEKS (glee wedding)

wow guys, sorry I haven't done a gleek in a while butttt.... none the less I'm doing it now :).
did you guys see "Furt"??? It was soooo cute. Basically what happened was Kurt's dad and Fin's mom got married. Intense right? :) it was cute cause Fin said that he'll be keeping good care of his new step brother  at school and sang just the way you are by Bruno mars. The other song that I really liked was marry you. I'm not sure who its by but. I'll find out. They sang it while walking down the aisle. It was realllllyyyy cute. Anyways till next week everyone :)

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Letters to Loved Ones Back Home

My dear love Jenna,

My dear, I'm missing you terribly. I miss your tremendous loving hugs that embrace me everyday. The only thing that is embracing me, is the mud and the smoke from the cigarettes in the trenches. I've gotten trench foot far to many times to count. At times I wish I never singed for this horrifying job. but who's going to pay the bills. Being a journalist  is horrible. I thought i would just have to write, but no. I have to carry around a gun! A gun that resembles why I'm here. We have been taking buckets to the trenches to get at least some of the cold water out of the deep trenches. Alas nothing works. Every time we dunk the bucket into the trench and toss it up the sides, two times the bucket of water comes back in. Hows mother? And father? what about my loving siblings?

Has Jounior been askign about me? I dont want him to worry. I just want to let him know that I'm so proud of him for being so brave for me, you too my love.

well the genral is asking me to write another entry for our log. I most be going. I miss you tremendously.

Your love ,
William Turner.

Sunday 7 November 2010

History 3,2,1.

on Friday we went on a field trip to the museum of civilization and Miss Pollock asked us to do a  3,2,1.

3. Specific things you enjoyed overall.

- I liked how the actors really made it seem real.
-And how at the end they took time to let us look around.
- Especially how they pick on some of the people in our class. (Mateen)

2.Important things you learned.

- I learnt that many men died just by drowning.
-I also learnt that alot of first people that lived in the Artic had to survive manly on whales.

1. Thing that you would've changed.

- I would've changed how the afternoon went. I wish they made it more exciting and make us really excited to learn.

Also wanted to say thanks to Miss Pollock for booking the field trip.

Monday 1 November 2010


Hi everyone. Our class just got our blog buddies! I can't wait to get started. my buddies are Hannah & Dayna. who are your buddies??